78 matching packages found.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
x86_64 Extra aspell-es 1.11-9 Spanish dictionary for aspell 2023-05-19
any Extra aspell-it 2.4_20070901-1 Italian dictionary for aspell 2023-05-19
any Extra aspell-nl 0.50.2-7 Dutch dictionary for aspell 2022-12-27
x86_64 Extra dbeaver 24.0.2-1 Free universal SQL Client for developers and database administrators (community edition) 2024-04-07
any Extra dbeaver-plugin-apache-poi 5.2.5-1 DBeaver library for Microsoft Office documents 2024-03-10
any Extra dbeaver-plugin-batik 1.14.0-3 DBeaver library for SVG format 2023-05-19
any Extra dbeaver-plugin-office DBeaver plugin to export data to Microsoft Office format 2024-03-10
any Extra dbeaver-plugin-svg-format DBeaver plugin to save diagrams in SVG format 2024-03-10
any Extra gimp-help-ca 2.10.34-1 Catalan help files for Gimp 2023-08-07
any Extra gimp-help-cs 2.10.34-1 Czech help files for Gimp 2023-08-07
any Extra gimp-help-da 2.10.34-1 Danish help files for Gimp 2023-08-07
any Extra gimp-help-de 2.10.34-1 German help files for Gimp 2023-08-07
any Extra gimp-help-el 2.10.34-1 Greek help files for Gimp 2023-08-07
any Extra gimp-help-en 2.10.34-1 English help files for Gimp 2023-08-07
any Extra gimp-help-en_gb 2.10.34-1 English (United Kingdom) help files for Gimp 2023-08-07
any Extra gimp-help-es 2.10.34-1 Spanish help files for Gimp 2023-08-07
any Extra gimp-help-fa 2.10.34-1 Faroese (Persian) help files for Gimp 2023-08-07
any Extra gimp-help-fi 2.10.34-1 Finnish help files for Gimp 2023-08-07
any Extra gimp-help-fr 2.10.34-1 French help files for Gimp 2023-08-07
any Extra gimp-help-hr 2.10.34-1 Croatian help files for Gimp 2023-08-07
any Extra gimp-help-hu 2.10.34-1 Hungarian help files for Gimp 2023-08-07
any Extra gimp-help-it 2.10.34-1 Italian help files for Gimp 2023-08-07
any Extra gimp-help-ja 2.10.34-1 Japanese help files for Gimp 2023-08-07
any Extra gimp-help-ko 2.10.34-1 Korean help files for Gimp 2023-08-07
any Extra gimp-help-lt 2.10.34-1 Lithuanian help files for Gimp 2023-08-07
any Extra gimp-help-nl 2.10.34-1 Dutch help files for Gimp 2023-08-07
any Extra gimp-help-nn 2.10.34-1 Norwegian help files for Gimp 2023-08-07
any Extra gimp-help-pt 2.10.34-1 Portuguese help files for Gimp 2023-08-07
any Extra gimp-help-pt_br 2.10.34-1 Brazilian Portuguese help files for Gimp 2023-08-07
any Extra gimp-help-ro 2.10.34-1 Romanian help files for Gimp 2023-08-07
any Extra gimp-help-ru 2.10.34-1 Russian help files for Gimp 2023-08-07
any Extra gimp-help-sl 2.10.34-1 Slovak help files for Gimp 2023-08-07
any Extra gimp-help-sv 2.10.34-1 Swedish help files for Gimp 2023-08-07
any Extra gimp-help-uk 2.10.34-1 Ukrainian help files for Gimp 2023-08-07
any Extra gimp-help-zh_cn 2.10.34-1 Chinese (simplified) help files for Gimp 2023-08-07
x86_64 Extra gmtp 1.3.11-3 A simple MP3 player client for MTP based devices 2023-05-19
any Extra gnome-appfolders-manager 0.4.7-2 Manage GNOME Shell applications folders. 2023-05-19
any Extra gscan2pdf 2.13.2-1 A GUI with OCR capability to produce PDFs or DjVus from scanned documents 2023-05-19
any Extra gwakeonlan 0.8.5-2 GTK+ utility to awake machines using the Wake on LAN. 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra hspell 1.4-5 Hebrew spell-checker 2023-07-15
x86_64 Extra hunspell-he 1.4-5 Hebrew hunspell dictionary 2023-07-15
any Extra hunspell-it 2.4-12 Italian dictionary for Hunspell 2023-07-15
any Extra hunspell-ro 3.3.10-7 Romanian dictionary for Hunspell 2023-07-15
any Extra hyphen-it 20071127-6 Italian hyphenation rules 2023-05-19
any Extra hyphen-nl 20050617-6 Dutch hyphenation rules 2022-12-27
x86_64 Extra minitube 3.9.3-2 A YouTube desktop application 2023-05-19
any Extra mythes-it 2.0.9l-9 Italian thesaurus 2023-05-19
any Extra mythes-pl 1:0.8.68-1 Polish thesaurus 2023-07-26
any Extra mythes-ro 3.3-7 Romanian thesaurus 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra pacmanlogviewer 1.5.1-1 Inspect pacman log files 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra perl-cairo-gobject 1.005-2 Integrate Cairo into the Glib type system 2023-08-07
any Extra perl-carp-always 0.16-4 Warns and dies noisily with stack backtraces 2023-08-07
any Extra perl-config-general 2.65-2 Generic Config Module 2023-08-08
x86_64 Extra perl-cpanel-json-xs 4.37-2 cPanel fork of JSON::XS, fast and correct serializing 2023-08-07
x86_64 Extra perl-data-uuid 1.227-1 Globally/Universally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs/UUIDs) 2024-04-07
any Extra perl-devel-cycle 1.12-4 Find memory cycles in objects 2023-08-08
x86_64 Extra perl-filesys-df 0.92-14 Perl extension for filesystem disk space information 2023-08-07
x86_64 Extra perl-glib-object-introspection 0.051-1 Dynamically create Perl language bindings 2023-12-21
any Extra perl-goocanvas2 0.06-6 Perl bindings for GooCanvas2 widget using Glib::Object::Introspection 2023-08-08
x86_64 Extra perl-goocanvas2-cairotypes 0.001-7 Bridge between GooCanvas2 and Cairo types 2023-08-07
x86_64 Extra perl-graphics-tiff 20-2 Extension for the libtiff library 2023-08-07
any Extra perl-gtk3 0.038-4 Perl interface to the 3.x series of the GTK+ toolkit 2023-08-08
any Extra perl-gtk3-imageview 10-3 Image viewer widget for Gtk3 2023-05-19
any Extra perl-gtk3-simplelist 0.21-1 Perl interface to the Gtk3's complex MVC list widget 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra perl-image-sane 5-5 Perl extension for the SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) Project 2023-08-07
any Extra perl-json-maybexs 1.004005-1 Use Cpanel::JSON::XS with a fallback to JSON::XS and JSON::PP 2023-07-09
x86_64 Extra perl-padwalker 2.5-4 Play with other peoples' lexical variables 2023-08-07
any Extra perl-pdf-api2 2.045-1 Faciliates the creation and modification of PDF files 2023-12-21
any Extra perl-pdf-builder 3.026-1 Facilitates the creation and modification of PDF files 2023-12-21
any Extra perl-set-intspan 1.19-8 Manages sets of integers, newsrc style 2023-05-19
any Extra perl-test-memory-cycle 1.06-2 Verifies code hasn't left circular references 2023-05-19
any Extra python-cloudpickle 2.2.1-2 Extended pickling support for Python objects 2023-05-19 2023-11-28
any Extra python-docopt 0.6.2-12 Pythonic argument parser, that will make you smile 2023-05-19
any Extra python-qtawesome 1.3.1-2 Iconic fonts in PyQt and PySide applications 2024-04-04
any Extra python-qtpy 2.4.1-2 Provides an uniform layer to support PyQt5 and PySide2 with a single codebase 2024-04-04
any Extra shutter 0.99.5-2 The feature-rich screenshot tool 2024-04-07
x86_64 Extra sweethome3d 7.3-1 An interior design application to draw the plan of your house in a 3D environment 2024-04-07
x86_64 Extra xca 2.6.0-1 Graphical user interface to OpenSSL, RSA/DSA public keys, certificates, signing requests and revokation lists 2024-03-10

78 matching packages found.

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